QJQ Architecture


Services conception to completion.

Architecture is all about transforming dreams to realities and at OJQ we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence in design that takes any project from conception to completion. We strive to understand the client’s needs and desired outcomes and will work with our clients throughout the entire design process.

Our initial consultation on any project is free. Once commissioned, we’ll work with you, with face to face meetings, site meetings telephone and email contact to ensure you are involved in the entire design process.


Whatever your project - an extension, new build, replacement building, we offer services that encompass the entirety of the building process for your individual needs including:

  • Site and Building Surveys
  • Planning Submissions, including outline, reserved matters, full planning and sketch designs
  • Legal matters including land transfer maps
  • Consents to discharge
  • Building Control documentation
  • Working drawings
  • Tender documentation
  • Mortgage Certificates
  • Project management on site

We work with a range of clients, from individuals starting to think about their first homes to property developers and industrial and commercial business end users, specialists and consultants.

Initial Meeting

RIBA Work Stages 0-1

The design process will begin with an initial meeting at our offices or on site depending on client preferences. This meeting will lead to design briefing that will define the objectives for your project. We will help you to define your brief and advise you on the best way forward for your project.

Outline Design

RIBA Work Stages 2-3

During the design process the client will be fully involved with the projects development. We will discuss each and every aspect of the design proposals as well as providing drawings, material samples and 3D rendered perspective images to help illustrate the design. When the client is happy with the design a Planning Application is submitted at the end of this stage.

Detailed Design

RIBA Work Stage 4

The design process begins with a meeting at your property. This initial design session lasts for either half a day or a full day, depending on your requirements. We will help to define your brief and advise on the best way forward for the project.


RIBA Work Stages 5-7

At this stage we will continue to develop your project from planning approval to technical design using detailed drawings, schedules and sections to describe the proposed works. These will be submitted to the local Building Control Authority for approval and will also form part of the tender package if a competitive tender is to be carried out for your project.

"I couldn’t believe what the team had drawn – they had changed our house into a modern build and we absolutely loved it." Ann McCullagh, Glenadra road extension View Project

Start your dream project today

If you have a project in mind, why not contact us - remember the initial consultation is free.

Let's Talk